Innovative Data Solution Improving the Business Side of Healthcare - Doctivity Health Named to America’s Most Influential Cloud Computing Startups in 2023

Bloomsburg, PA – Doctivity Health™, headquartered in Bloomsburg, PA, has been named among America’s Most Influential Cloud Computing Startups in 2023 by Startup Bubble News, an independent digital-first media platform focused on the latest news and analysis from the world of startups, technology, and innovation.


The 15 companies on the list “demonstrated not only a firm grasp on contemporary technology trends, such as SaaS and data management, but also a commitment to addressing specific industry challenges and customer needs,” reports Startup Bubble News. “These startups showcase the diverse applications and immense potential of cloud computing and serve as vestiges of innovation and adaptability.”


“We appreciate this independent recognition of our efforts and the advancements in Doctivity’s solution to improve healthcare operational efficiencies, increase provider productivity, and accelerate business development,” says Doctivity President and Chief Operating Officer Cathryn Connolley, MHA. “The key insights that business decision-makers will want are readily available through configurable dashboards, scorecards, and reports that can be easily produced with the click of a button.”


Built by healthcare industry veterans with several decades of frontline operational experience and accomplishment, the Doctivity platform runs in a secure virtual cloud (VPC) environment that requires no software to install or maintain on-premises. Access to the platform requires only a web browser and a secure user account, and Doctivity administers the platform and manages account setup, analytical tuning, and data connections.


To date, Doctivity has delivered more than $60 million in revenue for its clients, a 55 percent increase in unique referral sources, 38 percent surgical yield increase for specialists, and an incredible 82 percent of providers surpassing productivity targets.

You can access the Startup Bubble News listing at


Detailed information about Doctivity is available, including podcasts and case studies, at


About Doctivity™

Doctivity Health is redefining the business of healthcare by focusing on provider organizations to generate actionable insights through self-service data analytics using proven, proprietary data sets. Doctivity is an intuitive performance improvement and PRM software solution that increases revenues through service line optimization and referral management by reducing leakage, improving operating performance, and growing market share. Doctivity software was built by seasoned industry executives to deliver strategic growth opportunities for top-line revenue growth. Learn more and follow the Doctivity Actionable Insights on the Business of Healthcare podcast at



Cathryn Connolley, MHSA, Named Doctivity Chief Executive Officer


FIVE QUESTIONS WITH DR. GERRY STANLEY, M.D., P-CEO Member, Doctivity Health Advisory Board