Doctivity Isolates Pediatric Business Intelligence

Doctivity is more than just claims data. It is a business intelligence platform specific to pediatric patients that uses client’s internal data and serves as a physician relationship management (PRM) tool.

Doctivity is accelerating revenue generation for the advancement of pediatric care.

Data-Driven Revenue Growth

Our data and the way we analyze and display it provides deep market insights to drive decision making for market share opportunities, referral growth and physician productivity to reduce the time it takes to generate new revenue.

Data-Driven Patient Care

Doctivity helps organizations make real-time business decisions by providing quick and meaningful data analytics to help patients be seen quicker, by the right providers, and to allow providers more focus on delivering quality patient care.

Doctivity isolates the pediatric patient volumes to more strategically and effectively:

Grow Services

Outreach to Providers

Attract Patients To Destination Programs

Recruit and Retain Key Physicians

Focused Pediatric Dashboards and Scorecards

  • Specific markets based on pediatric patients

  • Referral trends between providers

  • Patient volumes by care setting

  • Provider details and metrics

  • Providers’ patients by service line

  • Competitor insights

Doctivity solves critical data and operational gaps.

Doctivity’s healthcare executives and assigned client engagement specialists meet monthly with your team to ensure stakeholders get the insights they need to meet their business goals. These meetings are opportunities to transfer knowledge and teach users how to draw deeper insights from the Doctivity.

Ready To Improve Pediatric Performance?