Our Solution
Doctivity is all about improving healthcare operational efficiencies, increasing provider productivity, and accelerating business development. With visibility into what’s really going on, you can take the right action at the right time to drive business improvement, bolster your networks, tune your recruitment strategies, accelerate ramp-up of new hires, and more. The complete Doctivity solution consists of two components.
Insights for performance improvement, physician relationship management, and analytics and reporting.
The Doctivity Platform
Doctivity Client Engagement
Focused on accelerating performance improvement and business development.
Doctivity Platform Features You Will Love
Secure Virtual Private Cloud
Performance Improvement & PRM Insights
Analytics And Reporting
The Doctivity Platform
Because Doctivity runs in a secure virtual cloud (VPC) environment, there’s no software to install or maintain on-premises. Access to the platform requires only a web browser and a secure user account. Doctivity administers the platform and handles all issues related to account setup, analytical tuning, and data connections. The key insights that business decision-makers will want are readily available through configurable dashboards, scorecards, and reports that can be produced with a click of a button.
Performance Improvement
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Physician Relationship Management (PRM)
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Analytics and Reporting
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Doctivity Client Engagement
Doctivity’s Client Engagement leaders meet regularly with members of your team to ensure that your business decision-makers are getting the insights they need to manage the business successfully. Initial meetings drive setup and configuration of your individualized instance of the Doctivity platform, and subsequent meetings focus on gaining and refining the insights you are seeking.