Sean M. Duffy

Vice President, Client Success and Product Management

Sean M. Duffy is an innovative and veteran leader in the business of healthcare focusing on providing subject matter expertise to further enhance the Doctivity platform to facilitate business development and improve operating performance, assist with the integration of Doctivity into our clients’ business growth and management processes, and develop Doctivity’s ongoing data strategy to guide advanced analytics for additional actionable insights.

A 1995 graduate of Marshall University, Duffy was a touring golf professional for six years, winning eight mini-tour events before moving into sales, marketing, and operations. Over the past 19 years, he has held a variety of operations, strategy and market advancement, physician alignment, physician liaison, and strategic marketing and communications management positions at Geisinger Health System in Pennsylvania. 

During his time at Geisinger, Duffy was instrumental in developing and expanding the physician liaison program, new physician ramp-up program, registered nurse (RN) navigation scheduling program, healthcare and market data strategy, and physician relations and business development. Prior to joining Doctivity, he served as the operations lead for Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation, and Wound Care services at the Geisinger Musculoskeletal Institute.

An avid hunter and outdoorsman, he enjoys spending time with his wife, Angela, and son, Cole.