Glenn Steele, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
Chairman, Doctivity Health Advisory Board
Glenn Steele, Jr., M.D., Ph.D., serves as chairman of GSteele Health Solutions, an independently operated venture launched to help healthcare organizations create value and improve quality. He is the former president and chief executive officer of Geisinger Health System (2001-2015), an integrated health services organization in central and northeastern Pennsylvania nationally recognized for its innovative use of the electronic health record and the development and implementation of innovative care models.
In addition, Dr. Steele is chairman of the City of Hope world-renowned cancer and diabetes research and treatment organization. He previously served as dean of the Biological Sciences Division and the Pritzker School of Medicine and vice president for medical affairs at the University of Chicago, as well as the Richard T. Crane Professor in the Department of Surgery. Prior to that, he was the William V. McDermott Professor of Surgery at Harvard Medical School, president and chief executive officer of Deaconess Professional Practice Group, and chairman of the Department of Surgery at New England Deaconess Hospital.
Past chairman of the American Board of Surgery, his investigations have focused on the cell biology of gastrointestinal cancer and pre-cancer, and most recently on innovations in healthcare delivery and financing. The author or co-author of more than 500 scientific and professional articles, he received his bachelor’s degree in history and literature from Harvard College and his medical degree at the University of Colorado, where he was also a fellow of the American Cancer Society. He earned a doctorate in microbiology at Lund University in Sweden.
A member of the National Academy of Medicine, Dr. Steele served as a member of the Roundtable on Value and Science-driven Healthcare, Committee on the Governance and Financing of Graduate Medical Education, Vital Directions for Health and Health Care Steering Committee, and Committee on Reviewing Evidence to Identify Highly Effective Clinical Services. The recipient of numerous awards including the NYU School of Medicine’s Solomon A. Berson Medical Alumni Achievement Award in Health Science, Medicine, and the Arts; American Hospital Association Justin Ford Kimball Innovators Award; and the AHA Health Research and Education Trust Award, he has been named consecutive times to Modern Healthcare’s 50 Most Powerful Physicians in Healthcare, Modern Healthcare’s 100 Most Powerful People in Healthcare, and Becker’s Hospital Review’s 100 Non-Profit Hospital Health System CEOs to Know List.